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Is NeuronWriter the Ultimate SEO AI Writing Tool?

In the fast-paced world of online content creation, standing out from the crowd and ranking high in search engines requires focusing on quality writing and SEO.

This is where AI writing tools like NeuronWriter come into play.

NeuronWriter is a unique SEO content creation tool that combines an advanced writing editor with AI content generation and built-in SEO optimisation features.

The goal is to help content creators, marketers and SEO experts research, write, optimise and publish high-quality articles and web pages faster and more efficiently.

In our in-depth NeuronWriter review, we’ll cover how the tool works, its key features and benefits, content quality, pricing options, and how it compares to alternatives like Surfer SEO and Scalenut.

How NeuronWriter Works

NeuronWriter has been designed specifically for SEO web content creation—the workflow centres around optimised on-page content for target keywords.

Here’s an overview of how it works:

  1. Enter a target keyword or phrase you want to rank for.
  2. NeuronWriter will analyse the top-ranking pages in Google for that term, looking at things like word count, headlines, metadata, etc.
  3. You can view detailed competitor analysis reports to identify optimisation opportunities.
  4. Write your content in NeuronWriter’s advanced editor, which provides real-time optimisation suggestions and AI writing assistance.
  5. Use built-in tools like the plagiarism checker and SEO scorer to refine your article.
  6. When complete, export the optimised content to your site.

So, in a nutshell, NeuronWriter streamlines keyword research, content optimisation, writing and publishing – everything you need for creating high-ranking articles, all in one place.

NeuronWriter Advanced SEO Writing Editor

Key Features and Benefits

NeuronWriter comes packed with features designed to make content creation for SEO as efficient as possible.

Here are some of the key capabilities:

  • Advanced Writing Editor – The slick editor provides an intuitive writing environment and helpful productivity enhancements like AI-powered writing aids.
  • SEO Optimisation Tools – Get targeted SEO advice as you write with optimisation checklists, key term suggestions, competitor analysis data and more.
  • Automated Content Creation – Use AI templates to auto-generate titles, intros, headings, and entire paragraphs based on your guidelines.
  • Plagiarism Checker – Check content originality before publishing and eliminate duplicate content issues.
  • Outline Builder – Create content outlines in seconds, pulling ideas from Google and competitors.
  • SERP Analysis – View detailed reports on rankings, word count, metadata and more for target keywords.
  • Content Management – Tools for planning, managing and assigning content tasks ensure efficiency.
  • Google Integration – Connect Search Console to utilise keyword data and track rankings.
  • Team Collaboration – Invite multiple users to collaborate on projects.

The key benefits of using a tool like NeuronWriter include:

  • Increased organic rankings by optimising content specifically for target keywords.
  • Faster content creation through AI writing assistance and templates.
  • Creating consistently high-quality, engaging articles that also rank well.
  • Monitoring competitors and identifying optimisation opportunities.
  • Eliminating duplicate content risks with automated checks.
  • Easy collaboration for teams creates an efficient content workflow.

For marketers who take SEO seriously, NeuronWriter provides an end-to-end solution for research-led, optimised and conversion-focused content.

Examining The Content Quality

Creating high volumes of content is great – but only if the content itself meets a certain quality threshold. So how good is the content NeuronWriter produces?

Firstly, the AI writing aids don’t create full articles autonomously. The templates are designed to assist writers by providing frameworks, suggestions and initial draft text. You can then edit, expand, and fine-tune the output.

We tested various NeuronWriter templates by providing target keywords and letting the AI generate titles, intros, headers and paragraphs.

The results were undoubtedly valuable as a starting point. The AI suggested relevant headings and topics that made sense for the target keywords. However, the paragraph-level content was pretty basic and repetitive.

For example, a 400-word introductory paragraph contained repetitive points and lacked a clear narrative structure. But with some editing to improve the flow and transitions, the AI-generated text formed a decent base to build upon.

So, in summary – the AI quality is decent but quite basic. The goal isn’t for it to write flawless articles independently. Rather, it’s to provide a framework to speed up draft creation for human writers. And for that purpose, it definitely adds value.

NeuronWriter Choose your AI Model

How Much Does NeuronWriter Cost?

NeuronWriter uses a subscription-based pricing model with monthly plans.

There are four core pricing tiers available based on features and usage limits:

  • Basic: $19/month
  • Standard: $37/month
  • Pro: $57/month
  • Business: $97/month

Let’s briefly compare what’s included at each tier:

  • Basic has limited AI content credits, two projects, 25 content analyses, and basic features.
  • Standard increases the monthly limits and adds a few more features like content scheduling.
  • Pro further increases limits and adds advanced features like plagiarism checks.
  • Business provides maximum limits on key features, unlimited sharing and priority support.

We think the Standard plan provides the best blend of features for solo content creators and small teams looking for a comprehensive solution without breaking the bank.

For larger teams, heavy content publishers, or agencies, Business provides the highest limits but is priced accordingly.

There are also custom enterprise pricing options for large projects.

NeuronWriter is competitively priced compared to competitors for the features provided across the plans. And the pricing flexibility based on usage needs is a plus.

How NeuronWriter Compares to Alternatives

When evaluating writing tools for SEO, the two biggest alternatives to consider are GrowthBar and Scalenut.

How does NeuronWriter compare?

GrowthBar is primarily an SEO optimisation tool first, writing editor second. It provides excellent keyword research and on-page optimisation capabilities. However, the actual content editor is relatively basic.

NeuronWriter puts more emphasis on advanced writing features while still offering in-depth SEO optimisation. This makes it better suited to lengthy content like blog posts and articles.

Scalenut has great AI copywriting templates and tools for creating marketing content, from ads to social posts. However, it lacks in-depth SEO features.

NeuronWriter has a narrower content focus, specialised for long-form SEO content. So for blog posts and articles, it’s the better choice.

In summary, NeuronWriter carves out a niche by combining AI writing aids with custom-built SEO tools for web content that its main competitors lack.

Pros and Cons

Based on our hands-on testing, here are the key advantages and disadvantages we found with NeuronWriter:


  • Advanced editor optimised for writing SEO web content
  • In-depth competitor and keyword research capabilities
  • AI tools speed up drafting and ideation
  • Straightforward content workflow focused on optimisation
  • Competitively priced, especially the Pro plan


  • AI quality needs refinement to improve coherence -sluggish performance at peak times
  • Limited AI use cases beyond articles and blog content

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Our Verdict

NeuronWriter delivers a unique blend of content creation, SEO optimisation, and AI capabilities purpose-built for researching and writing high-quality articles that can rank well in Google.

It provides an end-to-end solution for optimising online content for bloggers, content teams, and SEO specialists focused on rankings.

The powerful SERP analysis tools provide the research backbone to create authoritative, useful content that also targets ranking keywords.

AI templates help accelerate drafting while still maintaining quality. And the plagiarism checker ensures you avoid duplicate content pitfalls before publishing.

While the quality of AI-generated paragraphs falls short of human writers, the goal is to accelerate creation, and NeuronWriter hits the mark for that purpose.

For frequently publishing blogs, NeuronWriter definitely deserves consideration as a go-to tool for efficiently producing SEO content at scale.

Ben Nakanishi

Ben is a co-founder of AI Toolsmith. Holding a Bachelor of Science in Marketing, he specialises in AI writing and AI marketing topics. With a keen understanding of AI and marketing, Ben offers unique insights into the evolving dynamics of the AI industry.

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